Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Favorite Picture from the 9th Annual

Photo credit goes to a Dude named Nader M.
Well, more accurately, some Jesus (he was dressed as Quintana).

I thought I was proud of my "action photos" from the Garden Party, but this Costume Contest action shot should be in a museum. For the record, the "Cash Machine" costume was also inspired. The currency it dispensed was specifically made for the Fest. Multiple colors and multiple designs! My favorite was the design that had a picture of Brandt in the "president position" and was worth $100. Another great design was the rare $1,000 bill featuring Bunny.

All you can say, about this picture and that costume (and it's accessories) is...
"That's marvelous."[TQ]

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Top 5 Garden Party Pictures

And a good day to you sir!

I call the Monday after the Annual Lebowski Fest, unofficially of course, "Annual Upload Day." I take this day off of work (Are you employed, sir?) not only because I've spent a long day prior driving and sifting through my own photos, but also I love seeing all the pictures others have to share and finding the various media reports.

There's a lot to mention and share, which will be gotten to in due time. Today I am focusing on my top five pictures from the Garden Party. You are more than welcome to view my entire album (of the whole weekend).

However, to appreciate the following five pictures - know this:
I almost became a Lebowski Fest Cliche.

While waiting in my hotel lobby circa 1:30 AM post Movie Party for a pizza, I realized my camera was not my pocket (Could you slide your shorts down Mr. Lebowski, please?). It didn't take me long to write it off for good. Thankfully, it took longer for the food delivery and decided to walk back to the very vacant and more dark lawn. The feeling was more disappointing than anger. I really didn't take all than many Movie Party pictures.

I can see you're anxious for me to get to the point.
After too many minutes of using my phone as a digital lantern to no avail, a security guy asked what I was looking for [and if it was the camera he had earlier found]!

Rejuvenated, I was able to take harder than it appears timed photographs of the Garden Party Games the following afternoon. I don't have a high speed camera, but it certainly performed like one. Enjoy the following action shots:

Beach Blanket Toss -

Valkyrie Ring Toss-

Sheriff of Malibu Coffee Mug Throw-

Marmot fling-

Ringer Toss-

Stay tuned to LEBLOGSKI for pictures of costumes, video and what-have-you.[TQ]

Thursday, July 15, 2010

On my way to Louisville!

You didn't think I was rolling out of here naked, did you?
Of course not, but I'll be hitting the road very soon after I roll out of bed this Friday morning to start my drive to Louisville. My other blog, on a personal level, is where I listed out the mixtape/playlist I crafted to help my drive. I thought I'd share it with you - if you're interested in reading that, you can click here.

Also, here is a nice song to get us all in the mood:
My Morning Jacket's Jim James singing a song we're all familiar with:

The next blogs I post will be live from Louisville![TQ]

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

ABC's Nightline to cover Lebowski Fest!

Anyone who "follows" on Twitter or is a "friend" on Facebook saw the big news that Jeremy Hubbard of ABC's Nightline will be attending, and covering, the 9th Annual Lebowski Fest!

Last year, I was able to make my Internet Video News world debut courtesy the Courier-Journal. (I can't believe they unposted the video! Trust me, I was talking very fast to a low angle camera quoting like a madman) So now I'm going to try to take it National. Consider yourself on notice, Mr. Hubbard!

Since it appears that Jeremy Hubbard has the title of "Digital Correspondent" it's likely that the story of our beloved Fest will only be available as online content, 100% electonic, and that's cool. But I'm hoping that ABC will abide by at least featuring the clip at the end of a particular night (on a weekday?). Personally, I think ABC should consider airing a Martin Bashir Multi-part Michael Jackson Interview in Prime Time project/concept. Ya hear that Mr. Hubbard? Bashir got Jacko, but you've got The Dude (and probably twenty other Dudes along with more Walters and a handful of Maudes)!

I'm somewhat familiar with this anchor. Being a veteran of insomniac tendencies (laying facedown in a sleepless muck), I've seen Mr. Hubbard on ABC's overnight news program: ABC News Now. Below is a clip from his "farewell" broadcast. A few things to take away from that clip:

-This guy's got a sense of humor
-His wife's last name is "Hottman" (Way to go Donny!)
-In something somewhat Lebowski Fest related: he's not against costumes

Fellow achievers, there will be a correspondent among us! Prepare and act accordingly. Maybe I'll make an "ABC" logo-esque sign like the ones you see at sporting events spelling out Abiding Bums Choose (ABC News)? Jesus, you said it man, I can't wait until Friday.[TQ]

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Achiever Meetup

What's better than having extra events added to the official 9th Annual Lebowski Fest schedule?
Having free-to-attend events added to the 9th Annual Lebowski Fest schedule!

Chalupa, of the Lebowski Podcast, is hosting an informal what-have-you meetup before the Garden Party on Saturday July 17 at 3 pm (one hour before the Garden Party starts). For reasons unknown to me, I'm listed as a bullet point. It's probably the first time I've ever been bullet point worthy - so I've had that fueling my self esteem since I saw it.

The beauty of this is its simplicity. It adds a bonus hour into our Fest fun! Not to mention, the time is perfectly Lebowski (it's in line with any toe acquisition deadlines). If you didn't know that meant 3 o'clock you might need to study up for that trivia competition.

Liam will probably also be there.

By now you know where to go for a full list of activities surrounding the 9th Annual Lebowski Fest.[TQ]

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lebowski Live Lunch

Uh, Dude, uh tomorrow's already the tenth. (And next week is the 9th Annual Lebowski Fest!)

You've heard about Liam? yes yes?

We all have a date next Friday!

In other LF news, once again Louisville's WFPK 91.9 FM will be hosting the Lebowski Live Lunch. One year I hope to make it to this unofficial start of the Annual Lebowski Fest. My attendance would involve me having to either drive down a day earlier or waking up way too early for a week day (What day is this?). Instead, I make it a point to get my car close enough to Louisville by noon (Is that some kind of Eastern time zone?) in order to be within WFPK's antenna strength when the Lebowski Live Lunch starts.

It's free to attend, but seating is very limited. You can expect Lebowski covers and what have you from The Seedy Seeds, Thomas A. Minor, Softcheque & C+.[TQ]
(countdown design by www.thinknik.com)

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Phone Number to Enter into your Bag Phone.

Uh, Dude, tomorrow's already the ten days to the next Lebowski Fest mark.

There will be food options for you at the 9th Annual Lebowski Fest.
Both outdoors at the Movie & Garden Party and indoors during the Bowling Party.
Honestly, I can't remember specifically all the edible options available.
Mainly, you can expect general Americana fare you'd expect at outdoor fests and local bowling alleys.

But it probably won't be a high priority of yours during the festivities.
Yes, there will be Oat Sodas.
Yes, there will be White Russians.
Sadly, Pepsi discontinued Orange Slice years ago.
A word of advice: You should stay away from anything in Folgers cans if you're thirsty.

However, as soon as you're walking off The Executive Strike & Spare property - it's gonna hit you. You may be done drinking, but you will start getting hungry. Even if you were in the condition to drive, and your car wasn't stolen (or perhaps towed), you might not know where to go because of you being an out-of-towner and it being past midnight.

I won't go into detail about how I discovered Sicilian Pizza & Pasta (lota ins lota outs), but here's all that you need to know: Not only are they open until 2 am on Friday and 4 am on Saturday but also they will deliver to the row of hotels many of us will be staying at on Phillips Lane!

My advice to you: (besides getting a job, sir) Enter the digits of 502-589-8686 into your bag phone's saved numbers. That's the number that you will be thanking me for having in your phone in your hour of desperate need for late night pizza.

Are there other pizza locations in Louisville? Yes.
Will you get a discount for being an Achiever? No.
What does this have to do with The Big Lebowski? Nothing, but there aren't any In-N-Out locations near Louisville!

You can learn more about Sicilian Pizza and Pasta from their website (http://www.sicilianpizzapasta.net). You can also check out their reviews on Urbanspoon.[TQ]

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Top 3 Things You'll Need at a Lebowski Fest

Now that we're less than two weeks away from the 9th Annual Lebowski Fest in Louisville, I thought I'd share what I consider to be the three most important items you'll want to pack.

In my opinion, this list serves true whether this is your first or fourteenth Fest.

#1: Your tickets. Put'em in your wallet, or purse, or what have you! I remember the exact moment last year when I realized my tickets were on my desk: I was about halfway between Indianapolis and Louisville (which is about four hours from where my drive began). For about fifteen seconds I was doing the math in how long it would take for me to turn the car around... Eventually I mentally said fuck it Dude, and changed my route to the WHY Louisville store to buy'em again (but at least without any service fees).

This was especially painful to me as I had written a LEBLOGSKI post when I had received my tickets, and even took a stupid picture of them. Of course, if you haven't bought tickets yet - you should go to ticketweb, the aforementioned W.H.Y. Louisville store or ear X-tacy.

#2: Whatever device charges your camera (or device's battery). Yes, this is more important than remembering your actual camera. If you happen to forget your camera, you can always find a local Ralphs and pick up a cheap disposable camera (that is if you are still rocking the bag phone). Not to mention, forgetting your camera at home insures that you won't lose your camera at the Fest. (Every year, like Lebowski Fest War Casualties, cameras are left behind or lost or thrown high up into the air on a garden party blanket toss never to be found again)

Having a nice camera, with no power, will make you feel like a techno pop group of nihilists just cut off your johnson. Once again, this is a lesson that I learned the hard way. Please learn from my mistake - I had my camera die like Donny during the announcements of the Best Costume finalists.

#3: Cash (alternate spelling: CA$H). Yeah, this kind of a stark and cold item for a fun list - but true nonetheless. I'm not saying you won't be able to find a cash machine if you need to get $1,000 (or $100? Brandt I'm looking in your direction?), but it's kind of a pain. Not to mention I view the service charges random cash machines charge qualifies as "funny stuff" and is not to be tolerated. I'll be bringing unmarked non-consecutive twenties.

For the record, I haven't gone cashless at any Lebowski Fest. But I spend an odd amount of time trying to figure out how much cash is needed to purchase enough oat sodas to get me through a Fest. How much will you personally need? Well Dude, we just don't know.

I'm going to try to increase the frequency of my posts as we get closer to Friday July 16. A lot of new shit is coming to light and I want to keep y'all as updated as a lazy blogger can.[TQ]
(countdown design by www.thinknik.com)